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Other Support Resources

如果你,或者你认识的人,是性骚扰,性侵犯,家庭暴力的受害者 暴力,关系暴力或跟踪以下校园和社区资源 are available for assistance.


On and 在校外 Resources  


在校园 Resources


  • 公共安全, (410) 778-7810, Cullen Dormitory lower level
    • Use this service if you would like to report an assault. A member of the Campus Department 每周7天、每天24小时提供公共安全处的服务,运送报告 Party to either hospital listed below if requested. You will be able to have a For All Seasons Advocate with you.

  • Counseling Services (Confidential), (410) 778-7261, 安妮女王故居, Hours: M-F 8:30am-12pm & 1 pm-4:30pm
    • 咨询服务为正在经历的学生提供保密支持 任何形式的悲伤、压力、抑郁、焦虑或学业成绩问题. 辅导员还为性暴力受害者提供咨询服务 those with relationship concerns and issues.  All services are provided without charge to the students and are confidential.

  • Health Services (Confidential), (410) 778-7261, 安妮女王故居, Hours: M-F 8:30am-12pm & 1 pm-4:30pm by appointment only
    • 保健服务是性暴力受害者的另一个保密资源. If 如果你担心怀孕或性传播疾病,请联系卫生服务部门 可以和你一起工作. Health Services provides women’s contraceptive services, including emergency contraception, and testing for sexually transmitted infections.

  • Student Affairs (410) 778-7228
  • Human Resources (410) 778-7298

在校外 Resources

  • Chestertown Police (410) 778-1800
  • 性侵犯 Forensic Exams & 治疗 -以下两家地区医院有性侵犯应对方案. 法医护士每周7天,每天24小时提供保密服务 medical examination, STI and pregnancy prophylactics. 的 项目 work in conjunction with For All Seasons, Inc., to provide advocacy support to victims.
    • University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Chestertown (410) 778-3300 - 位于马里兰州切斯特敦布朗街100号,毗邻九州娱乐官网
    • University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton (410) 822-1000
    • 欲了解更多有关性侵犯法医鉴定的信息,请访问RAINN的网页, 拨打RAINN的24小时全国性侵犯热线:(800)656-HOPE,或在线聊天 在这里
  • For All Seasons, Inc., 1 (800) 310-7273
    • For All Seasons, Inc. 是否有免费的24小时保密服务,提供危机和持续的咨询 and support to survivors. Advocates are available to meet survivors at the hospital and support them during any time spent at the hospital.
  • Maryland Coalition Against 性侵犯 
    • MCASA provides comprehensive resources for victims of sexual assault. 
  • Mid-Shore Council on 家庭 Violence - 24 Hour Hotline: 1 (800) 927-4673
  • 性侵犯 Crisis Center, 1 (800) 310-7273


College Policies on 性侵犯 and 性骚扰


当发生任何形式的不当性行为或性暴力时,其标准是 community, and possibly criminal laws, are violated. When reported, the College will 按照公司的政策和程序并按要求处理这些问题 根据适用法律. 性 misconduct committed in connection with any College program, whether on or off campus, is 禁止. This includes all College 项目 including (但不限于)学术、教育、课外、体育和住宿 项目.

九州娱乐官网敦促那些认为自己遭到性侵犯的人 对他们认为犯下罪行的人进行刑事指控 性侵犯. A criminal charge and an internal complaint can be pursued at 同时. Retaliation against an individual who brings a complaint, participates 在调查中,或追究法律行为是被禁止的,并可能违法 将根据学院的政策和规定对违规行为进行调查和处理 程序. In cases of sexual assault or other sexual misconduct, College authorities 将刑事起诉和医疗援助的选择通知投诉人; as well as the Reporting Party’s rights under the Maryland Victim’s Rights Laws. 这包括从马里兰州犯罪报告方获得协助的权利 赔偿委员会和马里兰州犯罪申诉专员办公室.  公共安全部门将协助向执法人员报告 if the Complainant wishes. A Complainant will also be informed of the right to file a complaint of sexual harassment (which includes sexual assault/violence). 学生 希望提出投诉的员工应遵循以下程序 “报告歧视和骚扰”部分在本政策的前面找到.

九州娱乐官网的学生成为性侵犯/暴力投诉的对象时, 提交投诉的个人将被告知荣誉委员会的作用 性行为不端听证委员会在评估该学生是否为主体 对违反学院政策(包括政策)的行为负责 addressing discrimination and 骚扰). When a Washington College employee or third 一方是性侵犯/暴力投诉的主体,个人备案 投诉将被告知DDRC或适当管理员的角色 评估作为投诉对象的个人是否负有责任 违反大学政策(包括有关歧视的政策) 骚扰).

学院当局,通常是公共安全主任,将通知切斯特敦 警方对性侵案件只应学生或员工的要求立案 投诉,并将协助通知任何其他执法机关 或者保存可能与内部投诉过程相关的材料. 在切斯特敦警方的指示下,学院当局将提供协助 in obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence for criminal prosecution.


就本政策而言,骚扰是指不受欢迎的口头、书面或身体上的骚扰 conduct based on a protected classification (race, color, sex, disability, etc.), 是否有不合理地干扰个人工作的目的或效果 教育(包括生活条件、课外活动、社会生活) 制造恐吓、敌意或攻击性的环境,或构成威胁的 to an individual’s personal safety. 性骚扰 includes sexual violence/assault.

Washington College will not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. 性骚扰 includes sexual violence/assault/misconduct. 的 goal of 这一政策 is to create a community free of sexual harassment. 性骚扰 committed in connection with any College program, whether on or off campus, is 禁止. This applies to academic, 教育、课外活动、运动、住宿和其他大学项目. 性 骚扰可能违反了州和联邦法律,也违反了 这一政策. Individuals who feel they have been sexually harassed may have the right to bring legal action, in addition to making a complaint to the College. 采取法律行动 and an internal complaint can be pursued at 同时. 性骚扰 includes sexual violence/assault. Retaliation against an individual who brings a complaint, 参与性骚扰调查,或采取法律行动 禁止.

学术自由的重要性得到认可,并成为一种合理的标准 will guide the College. Only when academic freedom is used to disguise, or as the vehicle for, 禁止 conduct will it be questioned.

九州娱乐官网相信,思想、创造力和自由表达会蓬勃发展, 事实上,只有在没有性的氛围中,才能存在于学生、教师和工作人员之中 harassment and assault.