

所有在校车辆必须在公共安全部门登记. 学生 and Guest 通过es are available. If you wish to park on campus for any amount of time, at any time of day, you must register your vehicle. Failure to register carries a 罚款,并可能丧失在校园内停放机动车的特权.


支付罚款的责任由注册学生承担。 如果注册尚未完成,则由业主和/或经营者负责 车辆的. 被罚款的人有权对其违法行为提出上诉. 您必须在十(10)天内在线上诉您的机票(地址显示在机票上) of the ticket being issued. Appeals will not be considered after this deadline.

任何收到五张以上罚单的人将失去所有停车特权. 那些 谁不断违反九州娱乐官网交通规则和/或停车指南 可能会发现他们的车辆被启动或拖走,费用由车主承担,并可能受到影响 to disciplinary action. There is a $50 charge to have a boot removed from a vehicle. Continued violations may result in further disciplinary action.

学院可能会因未付款而扣留成绩和/或成绩单 罚款.

鲁莽驾驶 $100
Parked in Handicapped Zone/Hash Zone $100
Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device $50
Impeding Traffic Flow $50
停在消防道 $50
Driving / Parking On Lawn $35
Parking in 教师/工作人员, RA, or 访问or Space $30
Parked in No Parking Zone $30
Parked in Reserved Area $30
Unregistered with 九州娱乐官网 $30
Parked on Pedestrian Walkway $30
其他 $30
警告 没有好